Value-based IP portfolio development
Value-based IP portfolio management (VIPM) should not only answer the question of how to extract value from an existing IP portfolio. Rather, it should also address the issue of how to build a portfolio with high-value IP assets. This is achieved by a value-based portfolio management approach which has been developed over many years in connection with the strategic IP asset creation (SIPAC) method. The approach is based on the idea that besides the strategic relevance of individual innovation areas also the actual IP contribution potential of an organization is taken into account for successfully executing the IP strategy.
Portfolio Shaping
Portfolio Shaping is the ultimate goal of a patent portfolio strategy. To do this effectively, the presence of all important information in one place is essential.
Imagine a patent knowledge database that contains the current state of your portfolio and the competitor portfolios, ideally classified according to technology and product groups. The included patents are analyzed and reasonably valued by the specialists of the organization.
In addition, automatic statistical evaluations and analyzes provide other important quality indicators of the considered portfolios or sub-portfolios:
- Frequency analysis regarding applicants, inventors and classes (IPC and CPC): useful for competitive intelligence
- Temporal trend analysis: gaining an early indicator of when a technology has reached its peak in the life cycle
- Citation analysis: This can be used for a first assessment of quality of patents
- Patent Country Map: Analyzing filing numbers by country, gives a quick overview of the competition on the geographical filing behavior, so that you can adjust your own filing strategy
- White-Spot Analysis: Identifies by statistical means areas where the portfolio has to catch up with competitors
This patent knowledge base provides focused and essential information to strategic decision makers about your own patent portfolio, as well as about those of your competitors.
Monitoring of IP portfolios of competitors
A general task of portfolio management is to adjust own IPRs to third party IPRs (e.g., competitors) to a ratio that the achievement of the business objectives of the company is guaranteed.
While the company's own portfolio typically is well known by the company's internal processes, this is not the case for the third party portfolio. There is a need to carefully observe the patent scene, to analyze trends, to recognize the status quo of the competition and to recognize changes and trends as early as possible. These processes can be largely supported by appropriate patent software systems which can independently monitor, analyze, classify and evaluate patents.
IP management outsourcing
Especially for small and medium businesses, the ongoing support of the entire internal IP management is a particular challenge. The in-house IP management is either provided exclusively by the company's own employees and / or external experts for the purposes of patent strategy.
Among the topics typically included are:
- Introduction or improvement of in-house patent process (from invention disclosure to patent application, measures for the maintenance of IPRs) and documentation
- Development, implementation of reporting in consultation with the management
- Introduction, development and implementation of a regular patent monitoring (competitive patent intelligence); analysis with development and marketing functions
- Advising management and potential inventors for goal-oriented generation of inventions and respective preparation for patent applications (prior art search, preparation of management decisions) in collaboration with a patent attorney
- Supporting the patenting process upon receipt of invention disclosures, monitoring of time limits, decision templates and preparing necessary legal acts (Law on Employee Inventions) - Implementation of in-house patent process
- Support of development processes in terms of patent examinations to reduce the risk of patent infringement and identifying potential inventions to be protected
- Advice on and development of patent strategies
IP processes / IP Audit
With a "patent management manual" all company internal and external IP processes can be optimized. This also helps in creating IP awareness in the company. A holistic approach involves
- Initiation and recognition of inventions
- Creation of IPRs
- Enforcement of IPRs against third parties
- Management of large patent portfolios
- Respecting legal requirements
- Monitoring of patent activities of competitors.
It is advantageous to also depict the relationship of R & D management and patent management.
The processes of patent management should be integrated into the company’s quality management system.